Thursday, 26 January 2012

Republic Day Celebrated by Trichy Sourashtra Valibar Sangam

Jan. 26.  On the occassion of India's Republic Day celebration, Tiruchirapalli, Sourashtra Valibar Sangam (Youngamans Sourashtra Association) at its office building.

President of Sourashtra Valibar Sangam Mr. C.R. Umapathi hoisted National flag.  In connection of this occassion, National flag hoisted at various places of Trichy Palkar PaLo. (16th Ward Area)

Editor of Palkar Sourashtra Samachar Mr. R.Bhaskara Narayanan hoisted Gayathri flag.

At Lakshmana Chowltry, 3drd edition of 'VEDA PALAMAIYANA SOURASHTRAM' Book released.  This book was released by President of Trichy Sourashtra Saba Mr. B.K.N. Rajaram and The First copy of this book obtained by Trichy Corporation Member Mr. T.K. Sankar.

Arrangement of this Function is made by Secretary of Sourashtra Valibar Sangam's Mr. B.J. Harinath  and Asst. President. B.C. Yuvaraj, Treasurer K.V. Prem kumar Asst. Secretary C.R. Amsaram and committee members.

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