Monday, 9 January 2012

Certificate Distribution Ceremoney

Jan. 8. Sun.

Certificates from CIIL (Central Institute of Indian Languages) to Sourashtri Language students issued in a ceremoney at Salem Sourashtra Kalyana Mahal.  Those who learnt Sourashtri on Nov, Dec of 2010 has received the certificate.

Ceremoney began with Prayer song of Mahesh Kumar and Welcome address by T.R. Bhaskar.  After that, Chief guests gave speech about proudness of Sourashtri language.  Though Sourashtri is minority language, there is interest in learning of that language of native speakers. Mr. K.N. Lakshmanan, B.A., Ex. M.L.A., Mylapore constituency, President of Panduranga Natha Devastanam, Mr. Dr. K.K. Thirumal Rao, Correspondant of Sourashtra Middle School, Mr. Ananthan, Dr. K. Visalakshi, M.L. Jayapal, Mr. V.B. Chandrasekar, D.H.T., (SSM College), Mrs. N. Sakunthala, B.Litt., Ex. M.C., of Salem Corporation, Mr. L.S. Vijaya Rangan, Mr. M.K. Nagarajan, M.Com., Mr. N.R. Chandra Sekar (Salem District Sourashtra Munnetra Sangam) Mr. P.K. Mohan, (Thasildhar, Retd.) are guests address.

In their speech, they urged to youngesters, got chance to learn Sourashtri, because of various efforts taken by our community people to survive their mother-tongue.  And they expected the Government should allot fund to survive and develop Sourashtri language.

Mr. Vinoth kumar, ( Editor-In-Charge, Palkar Sourashtra Samachar) gave vote of thanks.

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